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The Redactics SMART Agent software is installed adjacent to each production database within your infrastructure. It is then remote controlled by the Redactics Dashboard to deliver safe data to wherever it needs to go.

Complex, evolving, and regional international data privacy regulations require a whole new approach to working with your data. With the rush to understand and implement self-serve data mesh architectures, we feel that both challenges require more than just a widget, but a complete architectural approach designed to provide data privacy by design. Additionally, the SMART Agent’s focus on automating the delivery of your data frees up your time and DevOps/Data Engineering resoruces. When all of your stakeholders are able to default to working with safe data, you can think of your safe data environments as your No PII Zone. With organizational defaults around safe data, this makes your compliance easy when it comes to accounting for your data management processes.

The security world is embracing the concepts of “Shift left”. Think of Redactics as Shift left for data privacy

The Redactics SMART Agent empowers stakeholders by delivering timely data that is always "safe" on arrival.
The Redactics SMART Agent empowers stakeholders by delivering timely data that is always “safe” on arrival.